CorrISA CITWI (Corrosion in the Water Industry) (4 day) | 6-9 May | JHB

CorrISA CITWI (Corrosion in the Water Industry) (4 day) | 6-9 May | JHB

CorrISA CITWI (Corrosion in the Water Industry) (4 day) | 6-9 May | JHB

The Corrosion in the Water Industry Forum” (CITWIF) comprising of local authorities who issued the following statement: The Water Service Providers (WSP) and Water Service Authorities (WSA) make significant financial investments in pipelines and associated water infrastructure. It follows that asset owners in the water industry are desirous of the longest possible life expectancy, which in turn usually relates to the longest possible time period being required before first maintenance and a strong preference for the highest possible level of corrosion protection of the assets. It is a fact that corrosion is often the single biggest contributor to the deterioration of the asset value. The skill and workmanship utilised in corrosion mitigation has a significant bearing on the ultimate corrosion protection and life expectancy of the assets. Education and training has been identified as a South African national priority, and upgrading of Corrosion Protection Skills is essential for service delivery within the broad Water Industry. The Corrosion Institute is offering a three-day certificated course titled “Best practice Awareness of Corrosion in Water Utilities” which aims to address these issues and provide a suitable background for those who have not been exposed to materials and corrosion.

Course aimed at:

  • Plant managers and operators
  • Project planners
  • Engineers and new engineering graduates who have experience in pipeline technology
  • Pipeline operators
  • Asset owners Corrosion contractors and consultants
  • Anyone wanting a deeper look at managing buried structures.

Course subjects covered:

  • Principles of Electricity
  • Principles of Chemistry
  • Principles of Electrochemistry
  • Summary of Corrosion Mechanisms
  • Selected Types of Corrosion
  • Coating & Lining Technology
  • Types of corrosion Coatings
  • Cathodic Protection Fundamentals
  • Stray Current Interference
  • Pipe Laying and Handling
  • Field Joints
  • Coating & Lining Inspection
  • Field measurements
  • Coating and CP Integrity Surveys
  • Typical Fault finding on CP components
  • Occupational Health & Safety
  • Relevant industry standards and committees

Course outcomes:

Course Outcomes

Course minimum entry requirements:

  • English literacy
  • Matric or higher qualification
  • Basic knowledge of corrosion
  • Basic Understanding of science and experience with buried pipelines

Course Cost:

Please refer to course fees 

Course duration:

4 days (including exam)

Course supplied:

  • Workbook
  • Lunch, light snacks and refreshments

Course notes:

Interested in taking this course? Contact us below: