CorrISA NJR (Not Just Rust) (1/2 day) | 29 May | KZN

CorrISA NJR (Not Just Rust) (1/2 day) | 29 May | KZN

CorrISA NJR (Not Just Rust) (1/2 day) | 29 May | KZN

This course is intended to provide the bigger picture as to why and how corrosion affects us and touches on the ways we can prevent those effects. In the end, the delegate would have an idea as to where they fit in the field of corrosion and how they can grow further. The course is designed to stimulate conversation in a comfortable environment. Delegates will see corrosion take place and discuss defensive mechanism with a multitude of interactive activities.

Course aimed at:

  • All new comers into the corrosion field
  • Those looking to enter the corrosion field
  • Those in the corrosion sector looking for direction
  • Staff working in the corrosion field who have yet to grasp the enormity of the corrosion challenge

Course subjects covered:

  • What is corrosion and why should we care?
  • Where does corrosion happen?
  • Defences against corrosion
    • Material selection
    • Structural design
    • Environment management
    • Protective coatings
    • Electrically induced protection

Course outcomes:

General awareness of corrosion 

Course minimum entry requirements:

English Literacy 

Course Cost:

  • Paid up company members get to send 1 person free of charge, each year 
  • Thereafter costs apply as they would for independent delegates (please refer to the course fees) 

Course duration:

½ Day

Course supplied:

Light snacks and refreshments 

Course notes:

Interested in taking this course? Contact us below: